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Documents Section

Details on using and managing the Documents sharing features

Updated over a week ago

The Documents section in allows officiating organizations to upload, manage, and share files with their members. This section is a powerful tool for distributing important documents, but it is crucial to understand how to manage it effectively to ensure smooth operations within your organization.

Access and Permissions

Only users with Assignor, Scheduler, or Administrator permissions within an officiating organization can upload, edit, and delete files in the Documents section. All other user types, such as general officials, coaches, or league personnel, have read-only access to documents, meaning they can view the files but cannot modify them.

Uploading Files

To upload a file, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Documents Page:

    • Log in to your account.

    • Use the main navigation menu to go to the Documents page.

  2. Add a Document:

    • Click the Add Documents option at the top of the Documents page.

    • Choose the file you wish to upload.

    • Select the folder, also called the directory, where the file will be stored. The main Documents folder is referred to as the "root" directory. This is the default folder before entering any sub-folders.

    • Decide whether or not to notify users of the new upload. By default, an email notification will be sent to relevant users. You can deselect the checkbox if you do not wish to send a notification.

Understanding the "Root" Directory

The term "root" refers to the main folder of the Documents section. All sub-folders are located inside this "root" directory. When uploading a document, if you don't select a specific sub-folder, the document will be stored in the root directory.

Creating Sub-Folders

To organize your documents effectively, you may want to create sub-folders:

  1. Navigate to the Desired Folder:

    • On the Documents page, navigate to the location where you want the sub-folder to be created.

  2. Create a New Folder:

    • Click the Create New Folder option at the bottom of the page.

    • This action will create a new sub-folder within the folder you are currently viewing.

Built-In Sub-Folders

The software automatically creates specific sub-folders if your organization has users with certain permissions:

  • Coaches Documents

  • Athletic Director Documents

  • Location Personnel Documents

  • League Personnel Documents

These folders are generated automatically when there is at least one user with the corresponding permission in your organization. For example, the Coaches Documents sub-folder will be created if at least one user has Coach permissions.

Access Restrictions

  • Coaches, Athletic Directors, Location Personnel, and League Personnel can only access documents within their respective sub-folders. They cannot access the root directory or other sub-folders.

  • Assignors, Schedulers, and Administrators have access to all folders and sub-folders, including those restricted to other user types, for administration purposes.

  • General Members and Observers can only access documents in the root directory and cannot access any sub-folders dedicated to specific user types.

Managing Files

Moving or Renaming Files

To move a file to a different folder or rename it:

  1. Use the Edit Option:

    • Locate the file you wish to edit.

    • Click the Edit option next to the file name.

    • From here, you can rename the file or change the folder/directory where the file is located.

Deleting Files

To delete a file:

  1. Use the Delete Option:

    • Find the file or folder you wish to delete.

    • Click the Delete option next to the file or folder name.

    • Important: Deleting a file or folder is permanent and cannot be undone. Once deleted, the document is not recoverable.

Note: Built-in system folders cannot be deleted.

File Size and Storage Limitations

  • The maximum per-file size for uploads is 15 MB. Larger files are not accepted and should be shared through the Videos section instead.

  • The base subscription provides 50 MB of total document storage for the organization, which is sufficient for small file sharing. If your organization needs more storage, additional space can be purchased via the System Settings page as an Add-On Service.

Allowed File Types for Document Uploads

When uploading documents to the platform, it is important to ensure that the files are in an acceptable format. The system only supports specific file types, which are determined by both the file extension and the MIME type.

What is a MIME Type?

MIME stands for "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions." It is a standardized way to indicate the nature and format of a file. When a file is uploaded, the MIME type helps the software determine what kind of file it is (for example, whether it is a PDF, a Word document, an image, etc.) and ensures that the file can be safely processed and opened by the appropriate applications. In simpler terms, a MIME type acts like a label that tells the system what type of file you are uploading.

Supported File Extensions and MIME Types

The following file extensions and their corresponding MIME types are allowed when uploading documents to the platform:

  • PDF Documents

    • File Extensions: .pdf

    • MIME Type: application/pdf

  • Microsoft Word Documents

    • File Extensions: .docx, .doc

    • MIME Types: application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

  • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets

    • File Extensions: .xlsx, .xls, .csv

    • MIME Types: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations

    • File Extensions: .pptx, .ppt

    • MIME Types: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, application/

  • Rich Text Format

    • File Extension: .rtf

    • MIME Type: application/rtf

  • OpenDocument Formats (LibreOffice)

    • File Extensions: .odt, .ods, .odp

    • MIME Types: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation

  • Plain Text Files

    • File Extension: .txt

    • MIME Type: text/plain

  • Image Files

    • File Extensions: .png, .jpg, .jpeg

    • MIME Types: image/png, image/jpeg

  • Google Slides

    • File Extension: .gslides

    • MIME Type: application/

These are the only file types that are currently supported for document uploads on If you attempt to upload a file with an unsupported extension or MIME type, the system will reject the file to ensure compatibility and security. Please make sure that your documents are in one of these supported formats before attempting to upload them.


By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage the Documents section within, ensuring that your officiating organization’s files are organized, accessible, and well-maintained.

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