Transaction Fee
$1.10 per payment
The transaction fee for making electronic payments via the Payment Center is $1.10 USD per payment issued. Each recipient is considered a separate "payment issued." For example, if you make 1 bulk payment that includes 10 recipients, that would be counted as 10 payments, and the fee would be $11.00 USD (10 * $1.10 = $11.00). The transaction fee is assessed regardless of the transaction outcome (successful, canceled, or failed).
One-Time Setup Fees
A setup fee is required for new users wishing to start using the Payment Center. This is a one-time only fee and not an annual fee.
Payment Senders: $75 USD
Payment Receivers: $14.99 USD
Account Deactivation
Accounts that do not send or receive any payments for a period of 1 year will have their accounts automatically deactivated for inactivity. A new account must be opened & the setup fee will be required again if the user wishes to resume sending or receiving payments. A payment account must simply send or receive at least 1 payment per year to avoid account deactivation due to inactivity.
Accounts deactivated due to a payment rejection must pay the setup fee to reactivate their account. Reasons for account deactivation associated with payment rejections are listed below.
Reversal & Rejection Fees
A reversal fee is applied if a transaction is returned or rejected for any reason. The fee amount varies based on the reason for the rejection. In addition to the reversal fee, you will also be responsible for any funds that were part of the returned/rejected transaction and any processing fees necessary to recover the funds or the reversal fee. In most cases, you won't need to worry about this unless you try to send money when you're not authorized to do so or don't have enough funds to cover the transaction. If you consistently experience rejections or your Horizon Balance becomes negative due to any reversal, your payment center account and/or your entire Horizon account along with any Horizon subscription, may be suspended. Reversal fees are typically assessed to the Payment Sender's account. Payment Senders can choose to pass the fee along to Payment Receivers if the reason for the rejection is due to something on the receiver's end. This would be up to the Payment Sender to decide and handle on their own, most commonly using Payroll Adjustments on the system.
Insufficient Funds: $15 + processing fee + account temporarily disabled
Authorization Revoked: $50 + processing fee + transaction funds + account suspended
Payment Stopped: $50 + processing fee + transaction funds + account suspended
Bank Advises Unauthorized: $50 + processing fee + transaction funds + account suspended
Non-Transactional Account: $5 + processing fee
Disputed or Rejected Setup Fee: $25 + processing fee + account temporarily disabled
No account/Unable to locate account: $5 + processing fee + bank account removed
Invalid account number: $5 + processing fee + bank account removed
Bank Account Closed: $5 + processing fee + bank account removed
Negative Account Balance: $100 + processing fee + account temporarily disabled + future transfers delayed by 1 day
Other Rejections: $15 + processing fee
Some reversals may result in your payment center and/or your entire Horizon account being suspended or your bank account being removed. Below are the most common rejection reasons that may affect your account.
Return Code | Description | Account Deactivated | Bank Unverified | Bank Removed |
R01 | Insufficient Funds | Yes | No | No |
R02 | Bank Account Closed | No | Yes | Yes |
R03 | No Account/Unable to Locate Account | 1st Rejection: No | Yes | Yes |
R04 | Invalid Bank Account Number Structure | No | Yes | Yes |
R06 | Returned per ODFI’s Request | No | No | No |
R07 | Authorization Revoked by Customer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R08 | Payment Stopped | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R09 | Uncollected Funds | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R10 | Customer Advises Not Authorized, Improper, or Ineligible | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R16 | Bank Account Frozen | Yes | No | No |
R20 | Non-Transaction Account | No | Yes | Yes |
R23 | Credit Entry Refused by Receiver | No | Yes | Yes |
R29 | Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Fee Changes
The Horizon Payment Center is powered by a third-party provider, Dwolla Inc. As this system is provided by a third-party company that we do not control, the pricing and operations to utilize this functionality are subject to change at any time to accommodate any changes Dwolla Inc. makes to its platform operations and/or pricing.