All users on our systems have access to view the Members Directory for the organization they are members of. However, the type of directory they are allowed to access and view varies by the user type of each user. Each user can control their own privacy for what is displayed on the directory using the privacy settings in their Personal Profile.
Can access the list of other Officials with any permission type (general members, observers, supervisors, assignors, administrators)
Cannot access the list of other user types (coaches, athletic directors, league personnel & venue personnel)
Coaches, Athletic Directors, League Personnel & Venue Personnel
Cannot access the general list of Officials.
Can access the list of Assignors.
Can access the list of Administrators.
Can access the list of coaches, athletic directors, league personnel & venue personnel.
Can view all users & user types.
Can Simulate Users below their own permission level
Can view all users & user types
Can edit user permissions
Can Simulate Users below their own permission level
Changing Directories
To change which directory you want to view, you must edit the drop-down field at the top of the Members Directory and select the desired directory to view.
Display Limit - 50 Users
By default, the Members Directory will only display the first 50 results for the selected directory. To see additional results, you may use the alphabetical filters to filter for a specific last name that begins with a certain letter or select the ALL option to view the entire directory. This 50-user limit does not apply to our Android, iPhone, or iPad mobile apps, as these interfaces use infinite scrolling to continually load more users as you scroll down the list until the end is reached.