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Why is My Address Shown Incorrectly on the Map?
Why is My Address Shown Incorrectly on the Map?

Details about geocoding address into map locations

Updated over a week ago

When entering an address into the Horizon software, whether as an officiating organization administrator for game locations or as an individual user for personal profiles, the system relies on geocoding providers to convert these textual addresses into GPS coordinates. While geocoding is generally accurate, there are instances where addresses may be displayed incorrectly on the map. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind address inaccuracies and provide guidance on how to address them.

Understanding Geocoding and its Limitations

Geocoding is the process of translating textual address information into spatial coordinates (latitude and longitude) on a map. Geocoding providers, such as Here, Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, United States Postal Service, and Canada Post, maintain extensive databases linking addresses to corresponding GPS coordinates.

However, geocoding is not infallible and can sometimes result in address mismatches or inaccuracies. This can occur due to various reasons:

  1. Data Discrepancies: Geocoding providers rely on vast address databases, but discrepancies or inconsistencies within these databases can cause incorrect matches or interpretations. Some roads or towns may have multiple names or notations, which can lead to inconsistencies in mapping databases.

  2. Format Variations: Geocoding systems interpret address formats differently. Minor variations, such as abbreviations or punctuation differences, can result in a mismatch between the provided address and the one stored in the database.

  3. Database Updates: Geocoding providers regularly update their databases to reflect changes in addresses or to improve accuracy. However, updates may not always capture recent changes, leading to discrepancies in the displayed address.

  4. Location Specificities: Certain locations, such as remote or newly developed areas, may not have comprehensive address coverage in geocoding databases. This can result in limited or inaccurate mapping information for such locations.

Customizing Game Locations

For officiating organization administrators, the Horizon software offers the option to customize the location of a game by manually adjusting the map pin. By dragging and dropping the pin to the correct location, administrators can ensure the accuracy of the game location displayed on the map.

Address Adjustments for Personal Profiles

Individual users updating their personal profiles do not have the ability to drag and drop the map pin. Instead, they can improve the accuracy of their displayed address by making adjustments to the submitted address format. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Reformatting: Experiment with different address formats. Try variations with or without abbreviations, adjust punctuation, or include additional details like unit numbers or landmarks. These adjustments can help achieve a better match with the geocoding provider's database.

  2. Recognizable Address: If the precise address is not recognized or displayed accurately, try using the closest recognizable address or landmark. This can help the geocoding system approximate the location more effectively.

  3. Verification: Verify the accuracy of the entered address against reliable sources, such as official postal services or mapping tools. Cross-checking the address details can help identify potential discrepancies or inconsistencies.

Working Towards Address Accuracy

While geocoding address inaccuracies can be frustrating, it's important to remember that geocoding is a complex process that relies on vast amounts of data. Efforts are continually made to improve accuracy and update mapping databases. In the meantime, using the provided tips and working with recognizable addresses can enhance the precision of the displayed location.


Address discrepancies on maps can occur due to the intricacies of geocoding processes and the variations within mapping databases. While geocoding is generally accurate, inconsistencies in data, format variations, and limited address coverage in certain areas can lead to incorrect or mismatched addresses. By customizing game locations and adjusting address formats, users can improve the accuracy of the displayed address. Continual efforts are made to enhance geocoding accuracy, and user feedback plays an important role in driving these improvements.

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