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What are Game Codes?

Designating the types of game levels you'll be scheduling

Updated over a week ago

Game Codes can be edited by navigating to Administrative Forms >> Add/Edit/Remove Game Codes.

Game Codes are a fundamental component of the software that plays a crucial role in organizing and managing your officiating schedule. They represent the various levels or types of games that you will be scheduling for your officiating organization. Game Codes are used to categorize games, control official positions, determine officials' fees, and facilitate the scheduling process. Understanding and setting up Game Codes correctly is essential to ensure a smooth and efficient scheduling experience for your organization.

Importance of Game Codes

Correctly establishing your Game Codes is very important. Game Codes serve as a reference for the type of game being scheduled, and they vary based on the sport and the organization's terminology. They are commonly known as Event Codes, Match Codes, or Class Codes, depending on the context and preferences of the officiating organization.

Creating Game Codes

To create or edit Game Codes, navigate to the "Administrative Forms" section and select "Add/Edit/Remove Game Codes." This allows you to customize the Game Codes to suit your organization's needs best.

Game Codes for Youth and Recreational Organizations

For youth and recreational organizations, Game Codes typically represent the age level or category of games being scheduled. You should avoid putting the age level in other places, like your Leagues or Positions. Examples of Game Codes in this context include:

  • U10 (Under 10)

  • U12 (Under 12)

  • Bantam

  • PeeWee

  • Varsity

  • JV

  • Adult

Game Codes for College and Professional Organizations

For college and professional organizations, Game Codes are often used to indicate the stage or time of the season for which the games are being scheduled. You should avoid putting the time of season in other places like your Leagues or Positions. Examples of Game Codes in this context include:

  • Exhibition

  • Regular Season

  • Semifinals

  • Finals

Detailed Game Codes

Game Codes should be very detailed and specific to the exact game type you're scheduling. You should avoid using cryptic abbreviations and make them detailed enough that you know exactly what type of game you're scheduling. GameCodes can be further elaborated to create more detailed separations and allow for finer categorization. For example:

Instead of simply using "U12," you could use:

  • U12 - Regular Season

  • U12 - Playoffs

  • U12 - Exhibition

Similarly, for "Bantam," you could have:

  • Bantam - Checking

  • Bantam - Non-Checking

You can even create a hierarchical structure for Game Codes, such as:

  • Bantam - Regular Season - Checking

  • Bantam - Regular Season - Non-Checking

  • Bantam - Playoffs - Checking

  • Bantam - Playoffs - Non-Checking

  • Bantam - Exhibition - Checking

  • Bantam - Exhibition - Non-Checking

Connecting Game Codes to Leagues and Positions

Game Codes are not directly associated with a league but are linked to leagues when creating Positions in the system. When setting up a new Position, you will select the associated League and Game Code for that position, establishing the system hierarchy:

Having a well-organized system of Game Codes, and Positions ensures that your officiating organization can effectively manage game assignments, fees, and scheduling preferences.

If you require assistance in setting up or customizing your Game Codes, please feel free to contact our dedicated support team. We are here to help you optimize your scheduling process and ensure a seamless experience for your officiating organization.

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