Contact Groups are very powerful and can be used for a number of different purposes on the system. One popular example of this is that officiating organization administrators and schedulers can use Contact Groups to restrict their officials and what game levels and/or positions their officials are eligible to work. Some examples of this would be setting up groups like "Timekeepers" and "Referees" and restricting the officiating organization's Positions so that only "Timekeepers" can work the "Timekeeper" position(s) and only "Referees" can work the "Referee" position(s). Another example of this is officiating organization administrators, and schedulers can create different groups for higher or lower qualified officials or officials with higher or lower certification levels. This then allows officiating organization administrators and schedulers to specify that higher qualified officials will work higher level games and lower qualified officials will not. To do this, officiating organization administrators and/or schedulers can perform the following steps:
Create 1 or more Contact Groups using the option at the top of the Members Directory
Add/Edit members of the Contact Group(s) you created.
Add/Edit the officiating organization's Positions list, under Administrative Forms.
Edit the option for one or more positions labeled "Group Memberships Required for Eligibility"
Specify the required group(s).
Note: To perform steps #3, #4, and #5 for editing positions, you must have administrator permissions within your officiating organization. Users with scheduler permissions can create and utilize Contact Groups. However, to edit positions and attach a required group membership for eligibility, you must have Administrator permissions within the officiating organization.
Once an officiating organization administrator has specified the required group(s), the system will restrict that position so that only members of the selected contact group will be eligible to work that position. If more than one group is selected, then members of EITHER contact group will be eligible - they can be a member of one OR both groups to be eligible. If no group is selected, then group restrictions are not enforced and all officials within the officiating organization will be eligible to work that position.