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Evaluations & Ratings Systems
Evaluations & Ratings Systems

Available features to evaluate and rate your officials performance

Updated over a week ago

We have three different evaluations and rating systems for tracking the performance of your officials, umpires, and referees throughout the year. All three systems use our generic evaluation form, shown below. Each system can be enabled and controlled by organization administrators on the System Settings page.

Coaches Evaluations

This system (Feature #32) allows coaches to evaluate officials after a game is completed that their team participated in. You can set this to mandatory or optional mode as desired. When mandatory, the system will email the coach after the game has been completed with an evaluation link that allows them to evaluate the officials that worked their game. If they don't complete the evaluation right away, they'll receive a daily reminder email until they complete the evaluation. When in optional mode, the email notifications are not sent. The coach would need to log in to the system to view their Game Schedule page to select the Rate Officials option to complete their evaluation, as desired. Coaches have the option to submit the evaluation with their name or leave the evaluation anonymous. The anonymous submission option cannot be disabled and can help coaches feel safe to speak their minds and provide a truthful evaluation without fear of repercussions.

Observer Evaluations

This system (Feature #34) allows users with Observer / Supervisor permissions to browse your Master Game Schedule and select any game desired to submit an evaluation for the officials working that game. This system is best when your Observers are *not* scheduled directly to games themselves, but just happen to show up to a game and complete evaluations at their leisure. If you actually schedule Observers (or mentors) to games, then it's better to use the Fellow Officials Evaluations feature, outlined below. If using the Observer Evaluations method, Observers can submit ratings to any game on the Master Game Schedule using the rating icon

Fellow Officials Evaluations

This system (Feature #33) collects evaluations from officials after they work a game and allows them to evaluate the other officials they worked with. This can be used for referees to evaluate other referees or it is also commonly used for observers or mentors to rate referees on a game. This system can be set to mandatory or optional. If mandatory, the official will be blocked from seeing their schedule details until they complete their required evaluations. If you're using this system, particularly for observers & mentors, you can configure which positions to collect ratings from and which positions to collect ratings for by editing your Officials Positions under Administrative Forms. This lets you customize who you want to complete evaluations and who they should be evaluating. For example, suppose you assigned a game with a Head Referee and two Assistant Referees and you only want the Head Referee to complete an evaluation of the Assistant Referees. In your Official Positions you would want to set the following settings to accomplish that:

Head Referee

  • Allow Incoming Rating for this Position = No

  • Get Outgoing Ratings from this Position = Yes

Assistant Referee

  • Allow Incoming Ratings for this Position = Yes

  • Get Outgoing Rating from this Position = No

Configuring Evaluation Systems

Organization administrators can set the individual evaluation systems ON or OFF in your System Settings under the Features & Settings tab. These systems are controlled via Features #32 through #38.

The Evaluation Form

The evaluation form consists of 7 customizable questions on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best performance. It also contains one summary rating number that cannot be customized for a total of 8 evaluation questions. You can customize the evaluation questions using the edit pencil next to Features #32 through #34 in your System Settings. You cannot add or remove questions. The 7 customizable questions may be altered or changed, but not removed. The evaluation systems also provide a place for free form comments for any additional information the evaluator wants to share.

Reviewing Evaluations

Reviewing evaluations can be done by any user with Assignor / Scheduler permissions and above (including Administrators). To do so, you would navigate to Administrative Forms and select the Officials Ratings & Rankings menu option under the Management Forms heading. Ratings and evaluations are collected by each system separately. You can review evaluations for individual officials along with summarized information and a dedicated View Comments page for quickly accessing recent comments by evaluators. Additionally, using Features #36 through #38 in your System Settings, you can (optionally) grant access to non-Assignors to view ratings. This is particularly useful if you want officials to be able to see and read evaluations they've received.

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